Saphrax's Playground

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Always 25th April 2006


From day one my life was over and never truly begun.
I wandered the streets of my deep dark abyss
And searched everyone for a place to call home.
But that is over now the life i lead is gone
And the mind that was once mine has dissolved away.
Life and death is nothing to me.
I am nothing and never had anything.
And as the days draw nearer I resent the fact that i was concieved
With a mind like this and a life with no ending
Im sick of being alone. Im sick of being tired.
And all I can hope is that soon i shall retire
In the deep dark dirt where I belong.
Destined to be alone, destined to have nothing
But a habdful of hopes that never existed.
Fire goes out, water evaporates, everything fades
And so shall I, as the days draw closer.
Soon I shall say goodbye.

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