-=- No sleep until I am done with finding the answer Won't stop before I find a cure for this cancer
-=- I live now on borrowed time, waiting in the anteroom for the summons that will inevitably come. And then - I go on to
the next thing, whatever it is. One doesn't luckily have to bother about that
-=- I shall tell you a great secret my friend. Do not wait for the last judgement, it takes place every day.
-=- Our Generation has had no Great war, no Great Depression. Our war is spiritual. Our depression is our lives.
-=- They say that "guns don't kill people, people kill people." Well I think the gun helps. If you just stood there and yelled
BANG, I don't think you'd kill too many people.
-=- Death is nothing to us, since when we are, death has not come, and when death has come, we are not.
-=- "Go To Hell - Oh I Intend To!"
-=- "This world is older than any of you know, and contrary to popular mythology, it did not begin as a paradise. For untold
eons, Demons walked the earth; made it their home -- their Hell. In time they (the demons) lost their purchase on this reality,
and the way was made for the mortal animals. For Man. What remains of the Old Ones are vestiges: certain magics, certain creatures"
-=- Most of all I longed for death. I know that now. I invited it. A release from the pain of living. My invitation was open
to anyone. To the whore at my side, to the pimp that followed. But it was a vampire that accepted.
-=- Evil is a point of view. God kills indiscriminately and so shall we. For no creatures under God are as we are, none so
like him as ourselves.
-=- [ Shot In The Head, Wish I Was Dead, Using A Knife, I Fuck Up My Life.]
-=- That which does not kill you merely postpones the inevitable.
-=- Now I lay thee down to Sleep - I pray the Lord thy Dust to keep - And if thou live before thou wake - I pray the Lord
thy Soul to make
-=- "It was then, staring into the suffering, that my fears first became bitter."
-=- "There is much darkness to be found in suffering. But you may need to sacrifice your somber dreams to find it..."
-=- I have lost the will to live Simply nothing more to give
-=- Things are not what they used to be Missing one inside of me Deathly lost, this can’t be real Cannot stand this
hell I feel
-=- No one but me can save myself, but it’s too late Now I can’t think, think why I should even try
-=- Yesterday seems as though it never existed Death greets me warm, now I will just say good-bye
-=- "The agony in my desires mirrors the poetry of my dormant fears."
-=- "The agony in my soul mirrors the night of my unliving destiny."
-=- "The dark places in my dreams mirror the blood of my tortured solitude."
-=- "Speak to me, O darkness Surrender your pain-filled heart Take with you my soul My solitude."
-=- "So obtenebrated, Like the blood. So crystalline, Like the tortured graveyards of my destiny. I am tortured."
-=- "So bitter, Like the moonlight So tortured, Like the immortal solitude of my dreams."
-=- "So darkness-enshrouded, Like the agony. So unliving, like the flawed beauty of my fears. I am unliving."
-=- "So unliving, Like the dreams.So silver, Like the flawed death of my existence. I am silent."
-=- "So silent, Like the pain. So somber, Like the obtenebrated knowledge of my visions. I am tortured."
-=- "Why is my purpose so bitter with dreams? And why do I no longer care?"
-=- Death borders upon our birth, and our cradle stands in the grave. Our birth is nothing but our death begun.
-=- Sleep, Those little slices of Death. How I loathe them.
-=- I live now on borrowed time, waiting in the anteroom for the summons that will inevitably come. And then - I go on to
the next thing, whatever it is. One doesn't luckily have to bother about that
-=- All our knowledge merely helps us to die a more painful death than animals that know nothing.
-=- Because I could not stop for Death, He kindly stopped for me. The Carriage held but just ourselves And Immortality
-=- While I thought that I was learning how to live, I have been learning how to die.
-=- Death is the veil which those who live call life: They sleep, and it is lifted.
-=- And come he slow or come he fast, it is but Death who comes at last.
-=- Everybody wants to go to heaven, but nobody wants to die.
-=- When we attempt to imagine death, we perceive ourselves as spectators
-=- It is worth dying to find out what life is.
-=- While I thought that I was learning how to live, I have been learning how to die.
-=- Well First Of All Id Like To Say Fuck Off.Why Dont You Shove Your Head Back Up Yur Ass Dont Waste My Ttime I Dont Need
Yur Opinion
-=- You Dont Know What Its Like To Be Like Me, You Dont Know, So Keep Your Mouth Shut!
-=- Well This May Come As Kind Of A Suprise.I Dont Like You And I Dont Care What You Think About What I Do,
-=- Ninety-Nine Dreams I've Had And Every One A Red Balloon, It's All Over And I'm Standing Pretty In The Dust That Was A
-=- Im Just Givin Warning So You Get No Broken Bones You Better Leave My Girl Alone Well I Bet You Can Understand What I Say
-=- "Real Tears Are Not Those That Fall From The Eyes And Cover The Face, But Those That Fall From The Heart And Cover The
-=- "The needle tears a hole, the old familiar sting. Try to kill it all away, but I remember everything."
-=- I Was Sitting In My Room, Dark And Grey And Crying. Someone In My Life I Fear Was At The Point Of Dying.
-=- "Every Time People Ask Me If I'm Okay.. Its Just A Reminder That I'm Not."
-=- No More singing no more laughing no more sunny days she left and took the colors with her buried in her grave this is
where we climbed the tower, this is where she fell and when her young heart stopped beating i went through hell.
-=- “I'm In The Middle Of A Losing Battle Which Never Ends And The Only One Fighting Is Me Against Myself.”
-=- “I’m Lost, And I Want So Badly To Be Found. But No One Is Looking For Me...”
-=- I'm Afraid That I Don't Have Any More Fight Left Inside Of Me, I Clawed And Scraped To Save It, But The Battle Was Just
Too Big For Me To Handle.
-=- I Tried, I Failed, I Quit.
-=- I Smoke A Blunt To Take The Pain Out And If I Wasn't High I'd Probably Blow My Brains Out.
-=- Sometimes I Sit And Watch The Ink Leak From My Pen. It Comforts Me To Know Something Else Bleeds The Way I Do.
-=- A Dark Room Is My World, Life No Longer Turns Me On, Forget My Friends That Already Forgot Me. The Needle Is A Bullet
In My Head.
-=- My Wish To Die Is As Pervasive As A Dial Tone: You Lift The Receiver, It’s Always There
-=- Death Hath A Thousand Doors To Let Out Life. I Shall Find One.
-=- To Die, To Sleep! To Sleep, Perchance To Dream…
-=- I Don’t Need A Reason To Kill Myself—I Need A Reason Not To
-=- Do I Put Up With All This Shit, Or Do I Plunge A Knife Into My Head?
-=- Once Upon A Midnight Dreary, While I Pondered Weak And Weary.
-=- Pain pain go away, come again some other day Pain pain go away, Don't need this mother fuckin shit, not now anyway
-=- We do not die because we have to die; we die because one day, and not so long ago, our consciousness was forced to deem
it necessary.
-=- For certain is death for the born And certain is birth for the dead; Therefore over the inevitable Thou shouldst not grieve.
-=- Death is nothing to us, since when we are, death has not come, and when death has come, we are not.
-=- [I Stand Alone. Shattered Dreams And Fallen Hopes Lay Resting At My Feet.]
-=- The Prospect Of Death - Put Forward To Me [Yet Again] How Inviting It Seems. Death, A Sweet Transition From Hated To Forgotten.
-=- Die Aussicht Des Todes Vorgebracht Zu Mir, Wie Das Einladen Sie Tod Ein Süssen Übergang Von Gehaßt Nach Vergessen Scheint.
-=- As The Water Grinds The Stone. We Rise And Fall. As Our Ashes Turn To Dust. We Shine Like Stars
-=- And If You Go, I Wanna Go With You And If You Die, I Wanna Die With You
-=- Such A Lonely Day And Its Mine It's A Day That I Wish I Never Survived
-=- Why Am I So Lonely Depressed And In Despair If I Pull This Trigger In My Mouth Will Anybody Care
-=- This Life Well It's Slipping Right Through My Hands These Days Turned Out Nothing Like I Had Planned
-=- But I'm Not Crazy, I'm Just A Little Unwell I Know Right Now You Can't Tell I'm Not Crazy, I'm Just A Little
-=- I Don't Remember Much And I'm Feeling Slow I Don't Know How But I Know I Lost All My Friends
-=- "I Saw Women Dancing Around The Golden Calf And I Thought They Were A Fickle Lot. I Knew I Would Have To Kill."
-=- "Every Man Has His Passion; Some Like Whist, I Prefer Killing People." - RUDOLF PLIEL
-=- "If I Gave A Shit About The Parents I Wouldn't Have Killed The Kid." - CLIFFORD OLSON
-=- The ready availability of suicide, like sex and alcohol, is one of life's basic consolations.
-=- There are circumstances in which suicide presents a viable option; a workable alternative; the only sensible solution.
-=- If they tell you that I died of sleeping pills you must know that I died of a wasting grief, of a slow bleeding
at the soul.
-=- “Sometimes suicide isn't just an action, its a choice in the back of the mind to save themselves from themselves.”
-=- “When one realizes that his life is worthless he either commits suicide or travels.”